25140 - Metal household furniture (Miscellaneous)
25141 - Metal household dining, Dinette & Breakfast furniture
2514111 - - Tubular metal + Chairs, Padded or Plain: Sets (Tables & Chairs)
2514115 - - Tubular metal + Chairs, Padded or Plain: Tables (not sold with a set)
2514117 - - Tubular metal + Chairs, Padded or Plain: Chairs (not sold with a set)
2514198 - - Metal dining, Dinette & Breakfast furniture (General)
2514199 - - Metal household dining, Dinette & Breakfast furniture (Miscellaneous)
25142 - Metal kitchen furniture
2514211 - - Kitchen Cabinets, such as Base, Top & Base, Wall, Utility, etc.
2514251 - - Kitchen Stools, Padded & Plain
2514271 - - Kitchen Tables + Hostess carts
2514299 - - Metal kitchen furniture (Miscellaneous)
25143 - Metal porch, Lawn, Outdoor & Casual furniture
2514312 - - Tubular aluminum: Chairs, Rockers, Benches, Chaise lounges & Settees
2514314 - - Tubular aluminum porch, Lawn & Outdoor furniture + Gliders, Swings, Hammocks & Tables
2514322 - - Cast & Wrought iron: Chairs, Rockers, Benches, Chaise lounges & Settees
2514324 - - Cast & Wrought iron porch, Lawn & Outdoor furniture + Gliders, Swings, Hammocks & Tables
2514398 - - Metal porch, Lawn, Outdoor & Casual furniture + Picnic tables (General)
2514399 - - Metal porch, Lawn, Outdoor & Casual furniture (Miscellaneous)
25144 - Metal household furniture (General)
2514433 - - Folding cots, Rollable cots, Army cots & other Metal beds
2514437 - - Metal bed frames (Complete)
2514455 - - Upholstered metal household furniture
2514471 - - Card tables & Chairs
2514475 - - Medicine cabinets + Wall type & Insert type
2514491 - - Metal radio, Phonograph, TV & Hi-fi cabinets
2514492 - - Infants' High chairs
2514493 - - Infants' Car seats
2514494 - - Infants' & Children's Metal furniture + Chairs, Tables, Play pens, Play yards & Portable cribs
2514497 - - Metal household furniture + Metal folding trays (General)
2514499 - - Metal household furniture (Miscellaneous)
25145 - Metal household dining room & Kitchen furniture
2514512 - - Tubular metal dining, Dinette & Breakfast set tables
2514513 - - Tubular metal dining, Dinette & Breakfast set chairs
2514515 - - Tubular metal dining, Dinette & Breakfast tables (not sold with a set)
2514517 - - Tubular metal dining, Dinette & Breakfast chairs (not sold with a set)
2514519 - - Other Metal dining room & Kitchen chairs
2514521 - - Metal kitchen cabinets, such as Base, Top & Base, Wall, Utility, etc.
2514527 - - Metal kitchen stools, Padded & Plain
2514597 - - Other Metal dining room & Kitchen furniture, incl Hostess carts
2514598 - - Other Metal dining room & Kitchen furniture, incl Hostess carts
2514599 - - Metal household dining room & Kitchen furniture, except upholstered (Miscellaneous)
25146 - Metal porch, Lawn, Outdoor & Casual furniture
2514612 - - Tubular aluminum porch, Lawn, Outdoor & Casual chairs, Rockers, Benches, Chaise lounges & Settees
2514614 - - Other Tubular aluminum porch, Lawn, Outdoor & Casual furniture, incl Gliders, Swings, Hammocks & Tables
2514622 - - Cast & Wrought iron porch, Lawn, Outdoor & Casual chairs, Rockers, Benches, Chaise lounges & Settees
2514624 - - Other Cast & Wrought iron porch, Lawn, Outdoor & Casual furniture, incl Gliders, Hammocks & Tables
2514698 - - Other Metal porch, Lawn, Outdoor & Casual furniture, incl Picnic tables
2514699 - - Metal porch, Lawn, Outdoor & Casual furniture, except upholstered (Miscellaneous)
25147 - Miscellaneous metal household furniture, incl Upholstered
2514733 - - Metal household folding cots, Rollable cots, Army cots & other Beds
2514737 - - Metal household bed frames (Complete metal bed frames, sold separately, with or without a headboard)
2514755 - - Upholstered metal household furniture
2514771 - - Metal household card tables & Chairs
2514775 - - Metal household medicine cabinets, incl 'wall type' & 'insert type'
2514782 - - Metal & Plastics infants' High chairs
2514783 - - Metal & Plastics infants' Car seats
2514785 - - Other Metal infants' & Children's Seating
2514787 - - Other Infants' & Children's Metal furniture, except seating (incl Tables, Playpens, Playyards & Portable cribs)
2514788 - - Other Metal infants' & Children's Furniture, incl Chairs, Tables, Playpens, Play yards & Portable cribs
2514791 - - Metal sewing machine bases & Covers
2514798 - - Other Metal household furniture, incl Upholstered furniture, Metal folding trays, etc.
2514799 - - Other Metal household furniture, incl Upholstered, Miscellaneous
2514XX0 - - Metal household furniture (Miscellaneous - Volume)
2514XX2 - - Metal household furniture (Miscellaneous - Speciality)
Selected Input Materials & Supplies in the Database