Online Services
Availability & Delivery of Seminars
Online Services are available immediately, without restriction, and with no additional cost, to Account Holders as part of their normal service contract.
Online Services
Subject to availability, these online services are available to non Account Holders as part of our After-Sales Services.
Online Access
Our products are almost always sold as an online download plus DVD, and that data is generated at the time of the order; however as soon as the data is produced it will inevitable start to become out-of-date as new forecasts are generated based on subsequently defined forecasting factors. In many dynamic markets this static product may not be a sufficiently current database for corporate planning purposes. Sometimes one may need a real-time database with dynamic forecasting and modelling capabilities.
We can provide Online Access if a client requires real-time up-dating of the database.

How does it work?
- A client specifies the database(s) needed and this database is held exclusively for that client on a dedicated server. The client then can access this customized database as and when required and/or download the database components for the client's in-house purposes.
- Once the client has specified the required parameters we will then provide a quotation for an annual contract. The cost of the Online Access service will depend on the client's requirements and the cost of computer capacity.
- Clients should note that these are large databases which frequently exceed 20GB of data. Thus clients should consider obtaining a physical copy (on hard drive or DVD) for installation on their own computer systems; rather than attempt to download the entire databases online.

How does one specify the database needed?
- A client company may frequently have product lines which span a number of product group and market segments and experience has shown that many clients prefer to specify multiple product or market sectors which are output into a single, multi-layer, database. This ensures that the macro and micro economic forecasting factors and parameters used are the same (i.e. all have the same forecasting and modelling concurrence) for the entire database.
- We can offer databases with up to 5 product groups or market sectors (each with up to 300 products) and clients can 'pick and mix' the individual databases they need and have them output as one entity. It is less expensive to produce a mutli-layered database at one time than separate databases at differing times and this is reflected in the cost of the service.

How often can one re-run the database?
- It is up to the client to decide when the forecasting models are re-run and databases are re-generated. This decision is left to the client as the client knows best exactly how and when changes in the economic, market or industry conditions will effect their own corporate planning activities.
- The standard annual contract allows for 12 monthly up-dates and the client can chose whether those up-dates are generated on a fixed timetable or whether they will be ordered at the client's discretion.
- Scheduled up-dates do not need to be on a fixed interval; thus, for example, a client may wish to schedule multiple database up-dates in December and fewer up-dates in January or August.
- More than 12 up-dates can be ordered for more dynamic markets or industry situations and we will quote for this accordingly.
- Where clients chose a fixed timetable up-date, the new data is available for online access at 00.01hrs GMT on the day of the scheduled up-date. Where up-dates are ordered at the client's discretion then the new data is available for online access within 60 minutes of the client's instruction to up-date.