Markets & Products
The database will give market data for each of the Product
and Market Sectors, by year Historic: from 1997, and a Forecast by year to
2040. Data will be given for each country in the region.
To see what such Country spreadsheets looks like (illustrative
examples only):
Market Data
Germany Market
Germany Market Values
(US$, Euros, Yen & Yuan)
In addition aggregate Market data is given (illustrative examples
9 Regional (Canada & USA, Central America, South America, Europe,
Eurasia, Middle East, Africa, Asia, Oceania) Totals (in US$, Euros, Yen and
Europe Market Values Dollar Euro
Europe Market Values Yen Yuan
Year / Country Totals (2007 to 2028).
Year 2010 Country Values Dollars
Financial Data
The databases will give Financial data for each of the Financial Data and Margins, by country, by year Historic from 1997, and a
Forecast by year to 2040. Data will be given for EACH of the countries
Balance Sheet Data
To see what such a spreadsheet looks like:
Balance Sheet Data
Total Sales,
Domestic Sales, Exports, Pre-tax Profit, Interest Paid, Non-trading Income,
Operating Profit, Depreciation: Structures,
Depreciation: Plant and Equipment, Depreciation:
Miscellaneous Items, Total Depreciation, Trading Profit, Intangible Assets,
Intermediate Assets, Fixed Assets: Structures, Fixed Assets: Plant and
Equipment, Fixed Assets: Miscellaneous Items, Fixed Assets, Capital
Expenditure on Structures, Capital Expenditure on Plant and Equipment,
Capital Expenditure on Vehicles, Capital Expenditure on Data Processing
Equipment, Capital Expenditure on Miscellaneous Items, Total Capital
Expenditure, Retirements: Structures, Retirements: Plant and Equipment,
Retirements: Miscellaneous Items, Total Retirements, Total Fixed
Assets, Finished Product Stocks, Work in Progress as Stocks, Materials as
Stocks, Total Stocks / Inventory, Debtors, Total Maintenance Costs, Services
Purchased, Miscellaneous Current Assets, Total Current Assets, Total Assets,
Creditors, Short Term Loans, Miscellaneous Current Liabilities, Total Current
Liabilities, Net Assets / Capital Employed, Shareholders Funds, Long Term
Loans, Miscellaneous Long Term Liabilities, Workers, Hours Worked, Work in
1st Quarter, Work in 2nd Quarter, Work in 3rd Quarter, Work in 4th Quarter,
Total Employees, Raw Materials Cost, Finished Materials Cost, Fuel Cost,
Electricity Cost, Total Input Supplies / Materials and Energy Costs, Payroll
Costs, Wages, Directors' Remunerations, Employee Benefits, Employee
Commissions, Total Employees Remunerations, Sub Contractors, Rental &
Leasing: Structures, Rental & Leasing: Plant and Equipment, Total Rental
& Leasing Costs, Maintenance: Structures, Maintenance: Plant and Equipment,
Communications Costs, Miscellaneous Expenses, Sales Personnel Variable &
Commission Costs, Sales Expenses and Costs, Sales Materials Costs, Total
Sales Costs, Distribution Fixed Costs, Distribution Variable Costs,
Warehousing Fixed Costs, Warehousing Variable Costs, Physical Handling Fixed
Costs, Physical Handling Variable Costs, Physical Process Fixed Costs,
Physical Process Variable Costs, Total Distribution and Handling Costs,
Mailing & Correspondence Costs, Media Advertising Costs, Advertising Materials
& Print Costs, POS & Display Costs, Exhibition & Events Costs,
Total Advertising Costs, Product Returns & Rejection Costs, Product
Installation & Re-Installation Costs, Product Breakdown & Post
Installation Costs, Product Systems & Configuration Costs, Product
Service & Maintenance Costs, Customer Problem Solving & Customer
Complaint Costs, Total After-Sales Costs, Total Marketing Costs, New
Technology Expenditure, New Production Technology Expenditure, Total Research
and Development Expenditure, Total Operational & Process Costs, Debtors
within Agreed Terms, Debtors Outside Agreed Terms, Un-recoverable Debts.
Financial Margins & Ratios Data
To see what such a spreadsheet looks like:
Financial Margins & Ratios Data
Return on Capital,
Return on Assets, Return on Shareholders' Funds, Pre-tax Profit Margins,
Operating Profit Margin, Trading Profit Margin, Return on Investment, Assets
Utilisation (given as a ratio of Sales to Total Assets), Sales as a ratio of
Fixed Assets, Stock Turnover (Sales as a ratio of Stocks), Credit Period,
Creditors' Ratio (given as Creditors divided by Sales times 365 days),
Default Debtors given as a Ratio of Total Debtors, Un-Recoverable Debts given
as a Ratio of Total Debts, Working Capital / Sales, Materials & Energy
Costs as a % of Sales, Added Value, Investment as a Ratio of Added Value,
Value of Plant & Equipment as a % of Sales, Vertical Integration (Value
Added as a % of Sales), Research & Development Investment as a % of
Sales, Capital Expenditure Investment as a % of Sales, Marketing Costs as a %
of Sales, Current Ratio (Current Assets as a ratio of Current Liabilities),
Quick Ratio, Borrowing Ratio (or Total Debt as a ratio of Net Worth), Equity
Ratio (Shareholders Funds as a ratio of Total Liabilities), Income Gearing,
Total Debt as a ratio of Working Capital, Debt Gearing Ratio (Long Term Loans
as a ratio of Net Worth), Average Remuneration (all employees - full and
part), Profit per Employee, Sales per Employee, Remunerations / Sales, Fixed
Assets per Employee, Capital Employed per Employee, Total Assets per
Employee, Value of Average Investment per Employee, Value Added per Employee,
Materials Costs as a % of Sales, Wage Costs as a % of Sales, Payroll and
Wages as a Ratio to Materials, Variable Costs as a % of Sales, Fixed Costs as
a % of Sales, Fixed Costs as a Ratio of Variable Costs, Distribution Costs as
a % of Sales, Warehousing Costs as a % of Sales, Physical Costs as a % of
Sales, Fixed as a Ratio of Variable Distribution Costs, Fixed as a Ratio of
Variable Warehousing Costs, Fixed as a Ratio of Variable Physical Costs,
Fixed as a Ratio of Variable Total Distribution & Handling Costs, Product
Returns & Rejections Costs as a % of Sales, Product Installation &
Associated Costs as a % of Sales, Product Breakdown & Associated Costs as
a % of Sales, Product Systems & Associated Costs as a % of Sales, Product
Service & Associated Costs as a % of Sales, Customer Complaint &
Associated Costs as a % of Sales, Stock Work in Progress & Materials as a
Ratio of Finished Products, Stock Materials as a Ratio of Work in Progress,
Un-recoverable Debts as a Ratio of Total Debt, Un-recoverable Debts as a
Ratio of Debts Within Agreed Terms, Total Sales Costs as a % of Sales, Total
Distribution & Handling Costs as a % of Sales, Total Advertising Costs as
a % of Sales, Total After-Sales Costs as a % of Sales, Total Customer
Compensation Costs as a % of Sales, Total Variable Marketing Costs as a % of
Sales, Total Fixed Marketing Costs as a % of Sales, Total Fixed Marketing
Costs as a Ratio of Total Variable Marketing Co, Variable Sales Personnel
Costs as a Ratio of Marketing Costs, Variable Distribution & Handling
Costs as a Ratio of Marketing Costs, Variable Advertising Costs as a Ratio of
Marketing Costs, Variable After-Sales Costs as a Ratio of Marketing Costs,
Sales Personnel Variable Costs as a Ratio of Sales, Sales Personnel Variable
Costs as a Ratio of Debtors, Sales Personnel Variable Costs as a Ratio of
Un-Recoverable Debtors, Exports as a % of Sales, $ Hourly Pay Rate, $ Hourly
Wage Rate, Capital Employed.
General Contents
This is an entry level product which provides
commercial intelligence on markets & industries in a specific Geographic
Region. Clients can also create and order a bespoke Regional definition if
required, or data based on the Trading Cell. The trading cell represents the
trading partners of a particular country, and one can decide the level of
trade (i.e. more than x% of a country’s imports or exports).
These reports analyse the Regional markets with a basic point of reference,
namely the base country. The report is formatted to give both a narrative
description of the various matters covered as well as provide readers with
the ability to directly use the Chapters (via Microsoft Word) to produce
their own reports and documentation. Experienced users will be able to use
the spreadsheet and databases to generate highly detailed narrative reports,
charts and graphics - as well as sophisticated business and commercial
forecasts & models. The databases are provided as both Excel spreadsheets &
Access databases.
As an entry level product the narrative is necessarily illustrative in its
terminology and seeks to provide a basic degree of business logic and theory
which indicates the rational applied in the forecasting & modelling
The databases provided are specifically designed to provide users with a
uniform and consistent numeric measure of both (normally) quantifiable
values as well as conceptual factors which are (usually) only capable of
qualification. Experienced users will know how to apply forecasting and
modelling software to the numeric data provided to generate highly detailed
and discrete business planning models. The databases provided in this report
can be used directly with databases on other product, markets and industries
in other countries. The databases are specifically designed to be
transnational, currency neutral, inflation and purchasing parity adjusted,
product parity and product equivalent adjusted, opportunity cost adjusted,
and numerically compatible; they all can be linked or merged
programmatically in business planning models to provide multi-national and
multi-level analysis.
Choice of Base Reference Country
As report databases are generated specifically
for each client order, the client can select which Base Country the database
uses. The choice of a Base Country is important as it puts the database
into the client’s own perspective. This is important, for example, in respect
of Purchasing Parity data or the results of End User Survey data where the
world data is presented from the relative position of the Base Country.
Where a client does not specify a Base Reference country, the database is
generated with the Base Reference country being the same country as the
Database Edition Market Research Contents
Please also see the Notes to the contents:
Within each heading there are links with detailed
descriptions and explanation of the contents; these can be opened when the
link is clicked.
Diagrams, Maps
& Illustrations
Spreadsheets &
Database tables
c. 1750-3000
Online & DVD
c. 500
Excel Spreadsheets: 1500-5900
Access tables: 1600-5500
Contents depends on the Region
covered |
Databases & Structures

folder contains a number of general files, plus the various main
Chapter Files.
Report contains 2 Summary documents for the Market Research which can
be opened in a Browser or as a Word document and paginated.
required these files can then be saved as PDF files:-
MR_Executive_Summary_Brief.html will render into about 70 pages.
MR_Executive_Summary.html will render into about 950 pages.

Market Research
folder contains the main Market Research files.

Corporate Research
the database is specified as having Corporate Intelligence, this folder
contains the main Corporate Research files.

Research Data
folder contains the Market Research files which are specific to this
edition of the report.

folder contains the Business Plan Documents & Boilerplates
Also see the Business Plan Images folder in Toolkit 1

BASE_FOLDERS Significant folders include:-

HTM files listing the Chapter contents

HTM files listing Cities & Towns in the database

Help documents Also see the HELP folder in Toolkit 1


Access databases
MarketResearch.mdb Table List
World.mdb Table List
World_Product_Sectors.mdb Table
Corporate.mdb Table List
Base.mdb General
& Database Reference tables in '' file [Size
Supplemental Database extraction [Optional. 547 databases for
Modelling Level products. Size 2.56GB]
Auxiliary_Data.exe Auxiliary Database extraction
[Optional. 44 databases for Modelling Level products. Size 298MB]
[Optional. 10,400 files for Modelling Level products. Size 34MB]

NAICS Classifications

documents: & links to external databases
Also see the REFERENCE folder in Toolkit 1

XLS Business Planning & Database
Reference Spreadsheets

Corporate File List

Market Research
Market Research File List
& Manuals
There are additional resources to be found in Toolkit 1 which can be
used to assist the interpretation and manipulation of the database. These
1. Data Manuals on the
Report Contents
2. Documents &
Templates on the Report Contents
3. Help files on the
Report Contents
4. Manuals &
Templates on the Report Contents
About this Database
As an entry level product the narrative is
necessarily illustrative in its terminology and seeks to provide a basic degree
of business logic and theory which indicates the rational applied in the
forecasting and modeling methodology. First time users should read the
Database Introduction as well as the Notes and Definitions links found in each
Chapter. There are subtle statistical nuances to some of the spreadsheets &
databases which will help the user to fine-tune their models and forecasts to
obtain maximum effect and greater accuracy.
Data Product levels
Because of the sheer volume of data potentially available it has been
necessary to create a number of product levels which can provide clients with
as little or as much data as needed. Clients can upgrade their Product level if
Database Entry level
Entry level products provide the most basic degree of information
supplied. This product can be used to build upon for various business
forecasting and planning application. A World Report will have a database of
over 9,000 record sets.
Corporate Modelling level
The Corporate level modeling products provide the tools and
information for medium and long term corporate forecasting and planning. Typically
this level will produce a count of over 24,000 record sets.
Econometric Modelling level
The Econometric level modeling products provide the tools and
information for industry level, national, and international medium & long
term forecasting and planning. Typically this has a database of over 39,000
record sets.
Presentation level
The Presentation level products provide the information sought by a
client company is a graphical or audio-visual format which is bespoke for the
particular needs and applications of the client.
For a detailed Table of Contents for each chapter, database or
spreadsheet: click on the Blue headings
shown below. This will open a page in your browser which fully specifies the
contents of that heading.
Regional Countries
The Data Caveat
The report databases are designed to
give a common definition, unit of measure and quantification of demand in
over 200 countries. These reports rely on data collection at various levels
of the product flow; this effectively means, the producer, the distribution
channels and the end user or consumers. This data is then correlated with any
national and international statistical data produced by official agencies. Unfortunately,
product flow data gathering in some countries is difficult, and furthermore
the official statistical data is both inaccurate and sparse. In such
circumstances, in some countries, we have to flag a Data Caveat as a
warning. What this means is that in some countries the data is not
sufficiently verifiable for statistical purposes and in those cases the data
may not be presented.
Real Time Support
The After-Sales Service can offer client Real-Time Support. This
usually involves using a software utility called TeamViewer (an installation
program can be found in the Toolkit on your DVD or Hard Disk Drive) which
allows the After-Sales Service support staff to directly link to the client’s
computer and work with the users in real time.
To assist users there are various Toolkits available on request:
The Files, Data, Documents, Software, Tools, Utilities and other items
provided on these DVDs are supplied for the sole use of the recipient. These
items are the property of the publishers concerned and they may not be released
or distributed without the express permission of the publisher of each item.

Toolkit 1
1. Data Manuals
2. Document Templates
3. Help files
4. Manuals Templates
5. Microsoft Utilities
6. OpenOffice
7. Business Plan Images
8. Reference files
9. US Census Data Tools
10. Utilities & Tools
Because all our databases are directly compatible with U.S. Government databases it
is sometimes useful for users to use US Government data handling tools to
manage not only US Government data, but also the data provided by us. Alternatively, if you are already using this US
Government software you can simply access our
databases with the same software. In general we
use the same database parameters, structures and field names as those found
in US Government databases, and thus users can correlate and query databases
without undue difficulty. |
Toolkit 2
1. Database Utilities
2. Enterprise Resource Planning
3. Integrated Development Environment
If you intend to implement our databases online (internet or intranet) then an Integrated
Development Environment is often the easiest route to data dissemination and
data manipulation. |
Toolkit 3
There are about 40 Statistical packages provided in this Toolkit. These
are Open-Source packages which are generally free to use:
acslX, ADaMSoft, ADMB, AMPL, Analyse-it, Analytica, Angoss, APMonitor, ASReml, Automlab, Baudline, Bayesian Filtering Library, BMDP, BV4.1, CalEst, Ch, Chronux, COMSOL Script, CSPro, DADiSP, DAP, Data Applied, Dataplot, Demetra+, EJS, ELKI, Epi Info, Euler Mathematical Toolbox, EViews, FAME, FEniCS Project, Fityk, FlexPro, GAUSS, Genedata Analyst, GenStat, GeoDA, GLIM, GNU Data Language, GraphPad InStat, GraphPad Prism, gretl, Hermes, IBM SPSS Modeler, IBM SPSS Statistics, IDAMS/WinIDAMS, IDL, IGOR Pro, IMSL Numerical Libraries, Izenda, JAGS, JHepWork, JMP, JMulTi, Julia, KPP, LabPlot, LISREL, Macsyma, Madagascar, MadArtSoft, Madeline, Maple, Mathcad, Mathemagix,, Mathematica, MATLAB, MCSim, MedCalc, Minitab, MINUIT, MLwiN, Mondrian, NCAR Command Language, NCSS, NMath Stats, numberGo Publisher, NumXL, Octave, O-Matrix, OpenBUGS, OpenEpi, OpenMx, OptimJ, Orangesrc="images/ Origin, OriginPro, PARI/GP, Partek, PAW, Perl Data Language, Ploticus, Primer-E Primer, PSPP, PV-WAVE, Q research software, QtiPlot, Quantum, R, R Commander, R Rattle GUI, RapidMiner, RATS, Revolution Analytics, ROOT, Sage, SALOME, Salstat, SAS, scikit-learn, Scilab, SciPy, SHAZAM, Shogun, SigmaStat, SigmaXL, Simfit, Simul, SOCR, SOFA Statistics, SPC XL, Speakeasy, S-PLUS, SPSS, Stata, Statgraphics, STATISTICA, Statistical Lab, Stat-JR, Stats Helper, StatXact, SUDAAN, Systat, The Unscrambler, Trilinos, Unistat, VisSim, Waffles, Weka, WinBUGS, Winpepi, X-12-ARIMA, XLfit, Xlisp-stat, XploRe, Yorick
Toolkit 4
Utilities & resources, for clients using databases on
Microsoft Server 2003 systems.
Toolkit 5
Utilities & resources for clients with Microsoft Server 2008 systems.
Microsoft Server 2012 migration utilities are also provided in this Toolkit
Proprietary Software package compatibility
If you use proprietary corporate planning
software then it is easy to use these databases as they are compatible with the
following packages:-
Some Compatible Software
products (See the Database Support site for a full list)
Project Management Software: 24SevenOffice, Assembla, AtTask, Basecamp, Central
Desktop, Cerebro, Clarizen, codeBeamer, Collabtive, Concerto, Contactizer,, dotProject, Easy Projects .NET, eGroupWare, FastTrack
Schedule, Feng Office Community Edition, FogBugz, GanttProject, Gemini, Genius
Inside, Glasscubes, Huddle, Hyperoffice, InLoox, JIRA, Journyx, Kayako, KForge,
KPlato, Launchpad, LiquidPlanner, LisaProject, MacProject, MantisBT, MatchWare
MindView 3 Business, Merlin, MicroPlanner X-Pert, Microsoft Office Project
Server, Microsoft Project, Mingle, O3spaces, OmniPlan, Open Workbench,
OpenProj, Oracle Project Portfolio Management, Planisware 5, Planner Suite,
Pmplus+, Primavera Project Planner, Project KickStart,, Project-Open,
Projectplace, ProjectSpaces, Projektron BCS, PSNext, QdPM, QuickBase, Redmine,
Rachota, SAP RPM, Smartsheet, TaskJuggler, Teamcenter, Teamwork, Tenrox, Trac,
TrackerSuite.Net, Ubidesk, VPMi, WorkLenz, WorkPLAN Enterprise,,
WebSPOC, Wrike, Zoho Projects
ERP Packages:
Adempiere, BlueErp, Compiere, Dolibarr, Fedena, GNU Enterprise,
JFire, Kuali Foundation, LedgerSMB, OFBiz, Openbravo, OpenERP, Opentaps,
Postbooks, SQL-Ledger, Tryton, WebERP, 1C:Enterprise, 24SevenOffice Start /
Premium / Professional, abas ERP, Accpac, Agresso Business World, AMS
Advantage, BatchMaster ERP, Bowen & Groves, CGram Enterprise, Clear
Enterprise, Comarch Altum, Compass ERP, Compiere, Comprehensive Patient
Administrator, COA Solutions Ltd - Smart Business Suite, Consona Corporation – Intuitive
/ Made2manage / AXIS / Cimnet / Encompix / DTR, Epicor Enterprise, Global Shop
Solutions One-System ERP Solutions, HansaWorld, ERP Adage (Adage), ERP LN
(Baan), ERP LX (BPCS) ,ERP SL (SyteLine), ERP Swan, ERP SX.Enterprise
(SX.Enterprise), ERP VE (Visual Enterprise), ERP XA (MAPICS), IFS Applications,
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne & JD Edwards World,, kVASy4,
Kingdee, Lawson M3 / Movex, Lawson S3, Log-net, Maximo (MRO), Microsoft
Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics GP, Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Microsoft Dynamics
SL, Momentum, MyWorkPLAN, NetSuite, Openda QX, OpenMFG, Oracle e-Business
Suite, Paradigm, PeopleSoft, Plex Online, QAD Enterprise Applications, Ramco
Enterprise Series 4.x, Ramco e.Applications, Ramco On Demand ERP, MAS 90, MAS
200, MAS 500, Technology One, SAGE ACCPPAC, SAGE Pro ERP, SAGE ERP X3, SAP
Business Suite, SAP Business ByDesign, SAP Business One, SAP Business
All-in-One, TaskHub, SYSPRO, SYS-APPS, mySAP,, WorkPLAN
Enterprise Feedback Management Systems:
SynGro, Perseus (Vovici), Clicktools, DatStat,
Inquisite, SPSS, FIRM (Confirmit), NetReflector, Allegiance, Enetrix,
Satmetrix, RightNow Technologies, Mindshare Technologies, Data Illusion,
KeySurvey (WorldAPP), Kinetic Data, CustomerSat, Medallia, Interview SA,
Surveynomics, Invoke Solutions, Qualtrics, Fizzback, Grimmersoft, QuestManager,
QuestBack, Globalpark, DataCycles, Dub Studios, eLustro, Kinesis Survey
Technologies, Knowledge Wave, myK (myKnowledge),, QuickSearch,
Ransys, ResponseTek Networks Corp., TalkFreely, XTCO, Zarca
Resource Web
Sometimes clients also want the data loaded
onto a password protected dedicated website for the use of their staff and any
other persons they may authorise.
The main benefit of these Resource Webs is
that the data is available to all the client’s staff and professional advisors
wherever they may be, and also when data is updated, or new data is added, then
there is a common point of access for that data. Resource Webs are
maintained for the use of the client for a period of 12 months from the last
update to that site. These dedicated web sites are provided by the After-Sales
For a detailed view of a typical Resource
Web: produced for ENI, the Italian Oil group
Research & Survey Methodology Analysis
Some client may wish to understand
the statistical and methodological basis of the specific research conducted
and this can be provided as part of the After-Sales Service.
Statistical Appraisal of
Datasets (via the After-Sales Service)
o External Validity
o Sampling Terminology
o Statistical Terms in
o Probability Sampling
o Nonprobability Sampling
· Construct
o Measurement of Validity
o Construct Validity
o Convergent &
Discriminant Validity
o Threats to Construct
o Nomological Networks
o Multi-trait / Multi-method
o Pattern Matching Construct
· Reliability
o True Score
o Measurement Error
o Reliability
o Type of Reliability
o Validity
· Levels
of Measurement
· Survey
o Survey Type
o Selecting the Survey Method
o Construction of the Survey
§ Questions
§ Question Content
§ Response Format
§ Question Wording
§ Question Placement
o Interviews
o Appraisal of Survey Method
· Scaling
o General Issues in Scaling
o Thurstone Scaling
o Likert Scaling
o Guttman Scaling
· Qualitative
o Qualitative Discussion
o Qualitative Data
o Qualitative Approach
o Qualitative Method
o Qualitative Validity
· Unobtrusive
· Internal
Establishing Cause & Effect
Single Group Threats
§ Regression to the Mean
Multiple Group Threats
Social Interaction Threats
· Design
· Design
· Experimental
Two-Group Experimental Design
§ Probabilistic Equivalence
§ Random Selection & Assignment
Classifying Experimental Designs
Factorial Design
§ Factorial Design Variations
Randomized Block Design
Covariance Design
Hybrid Experimental Design
· Quasi-Experimental
o Non-equivalent Groups
o Regression-Discontinuity
o Other Quasi-Experimental
· Relationships
of Pre-Post Designs
· Formulation
of the Designs
· Modification
& Experimentation
· Conclusion
o Threats to Validity
o Validity Improvements
o Statistical Control
· Data
· Descriptive
o Correlation
· Inferential
o T-Test
o Indicator Variables
o General Linear Model
o Post-test-Only Analysis
o Factorial Design Analysis
o Randomized Block Analysis
o Analysis of Covariance
o Non-equivalent Group
o Regression-Discontinuity
Regression Displacement Analysis
Database Compatibility
The increased use of
Database Management Systems, Business Planning and Control Systems, Enterprise
Resource Planning, Management Information Systems, and other tools amongst
management professionals has produced a critical need for the harmonisation of
data across various software applications and systems platforms. The
After-Sales Service ensures that its output, where required, will be fully
compatible with every product and database.
For this reason all the
databases use harmonised database structures and data sets; thereby users can obtain any
database from any of the publishers, for any of their brands, with the
assurance that these databases are fully compatible and can be used in
conjunction with one another and the various platforms, operating systems and

Since 2007, we have undertaken the harmonisation and convergence of the database
specifications and definitions of the various database providers. This is to
allow users a uniform and standardised reference to use with their planning and
forecasting; and to allow cross-database functionality.
The data sets, modules
and standards shown are now fully harmonised and standardised to allow data and
software interflow and cross-platform usage of the databases. Users
may obtain older data dictionaries and standards, and/or data sets and data
dictionaries for their own national standards. The standard product and market
definitions have been harmonised and are provided (in the standard database
products supplied), often as the NAICS classifications. Users wishing to remain
with the previous SIC classifications may obtain these databases under that
classification system. Users requiring other (U.N., European, Japanese, et
cetera) classification definitions and norms may obtain those as necessary.
Accounting standards are also harmonised according to the U.S. regulatory
norms; however other norms are available. Data dictionary and data definition
bridges and converters are available to allow users to update or standardise
their databases. We have undertaken to maintain support for the
older data dictionary standards and definitions until 2025; however users are
urged to update at their earliest convenience.